Face to Face


The exhibition entitled Face to Face, displaying works by twenty-five photographers, focuses on the motif of the portrait, which is certainly not the most popular motif in contemporary photography. Portraiture thrives largely within the field of documentary photography, while it is less emphasised in conceptual photography. The reasons for this may be that portrait photography is the most dominant or common of all types of photography that we encounter in our daily lives. From official portraits on ID cards and passports, profile pictures on LinkedIn, selfies on Instagram, to the faces on billboards that companies push on us as the only synonym for beauty, we are constantly surrounded by images of people. We feel the need to immortalise our loved ones as well as ourselves, but photographic images are often a reflection of the photographer rather than the sitter. The essence of an (artistic) portrait is not a veristic depiction of a person or their personality, but rather the photographer's intention.

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Andrej Lamut