The exhibition centres on play, exploration and the evolving borderlands between photography and other media. 'Imagine this :' invites the viewer to let go of logic and engage with the artists' diverse perspectives, all expressed through the medium of photography. It speaks directly to the senses, aiming to spark curiosity and wonder even before entering the gallery space. The title sets the tone for a sensory exploration of new narratives and visual storytelling.
Read MoreThis collective exhibition is the result of the projects that have been developed by the participants in the 2023 Photography Creation and Experimentation Residency.
The eight artists selected to participate in this residency work with analog techniques and chemical processes, and have gathered at the Revela’t Festival to create and develop their projects individually or collectively over the course of a week, at the heart of the festival.
Throughout the rest of the year and accompanied by the residency tutors, Laura Aubrée and Vareila Mairanga, they have worked on this project with their eight proposals, which they showcase at the 2024 Revela’t Festival.
Read MoreThe exhibition entitled Face to Face, displaying works by twenty-five photographers, focuses on the motif of the portrait, which is certainly not the most popular motif in contemporary photography. Portraiture thrives largely within the field of documentary photography, while it is less emphasised in conceptual photography. The reasons for this may be that portrait photography is the most dominant or common of all types of photography that we encounter in our daily lives.
Read MoreBetween moment and eternity
Six Master’s students in photography from HDK-Valand have collected works to create a story that extends beyond the visible. “Interludio” is an odyssey that captures moments of joy, sadness, wonder, and stillness – creating a tapestry that resonates with the rhythm of life itself.
Read MoreMy new series Persona is currenly shown at ATRIJ ZRC in Ljubljana. The first-time exhibited photo series explores the realm of metaphors for the human body and nature, symbolically reflecting the human psyche and calling for a return to authenticity. The exhibition is open until November 23.
Read MoreYes, it does ache when buds burst
As part of GIBCA Extended, an extension of the twelfth edition of the Gothenburg International Biennial for Contemporary Art, this exhibition explores the theme of interconnectedness. In this exhibition, we invite you to consider the interconnectedness that binds us not only to our own histories, but to the broader tapestry of human experience. It is a reminder that we share spaces, stories, and a common journey towards understanding and connection.
Read MoreThe exhibition Drastic Measures brings together the work of Maruša Uhan and Andrej Lamut. Each in their own way, the artists delve into phenomena and situations that are, for the most part, a completely invisible part of our everyday lives, until they reach such extremes that they begin to affect us. Thus, phenomena that was initially quite ordinary become the focus of our interest or that which directly influences our experience of the world. It is then that their dark sides, their sinister images and our human smallness come to the surface.
Read MoreNovaF cilja k pregledu izbranih del iz področja zadnjih let sodobne fotografije. Razstava nima krovne tematske usmeritve, njen namen je, da izpostavi dela izbranih avtorjev, ki pomembno prispevajo k razvoju fotografske umetnosti in avtentično reprezentira njihovo delo brez usmerjenega podrejanja njihovega koncepta.
Kustosinja: Sara Nuša Golob Grabner
The international magazine ETC. is designed to bring together artists, curators, writers and publishers who work in the field of contemporary art. As the magazine is focused on a different social / environmental / political issue in each publication, it is designed to be a platform for diverse voices and opinions from all over Europe, contributing to a wider understanding of a certain issue and the recontextualisation of a border-defined narrative.
Read MoreNVENTURA 2.0 - Sodobna likovna produkcija ptujskih ustvarjalcev
Pregledna razstava Inventura 2.0 bo predstavila aktualno ptujsko likovno produkcijo umetnikov, ki so izrazili pripadnost mestu Ptuj, s katerim so povezani na tak ali drugačen način. Kustos razstave je Marko Košan, kustos Koroške galerije likovnih umetnosti v Slovenj Gradcu.
Vljudno vabljeni na odprtje razstave INVENTURA 2.0 v torek, 17. januarja 2023 ob 18. uri. Razstavo bo odprla županja
Na ogled do 5. marca 2023.
The photographic exhibition “Without Object” is based on an interest in empty space. The curatorial concept of photographer Jure Goršič is created in collaboration with 3 photographers – Jon, Luka and Andrej, with whom the artist opens his questions to a wider collective of artists. With the thematic starting point – without an object – he invites them to form their own position towards the void, to consciously observe thoughts and ideas that materialise on the surface of the photograph based on the author’s decisions.
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The body as a point of view: Photo Exhibition | 30 June─11 September 2022 | Loža Gallery Koper | Opening: Tuesday 30 June 2022 at 7.30 p. m. |
Invasive Alien Species are a part of the group exhibition Beyond the lens, opening on 23 March 2022 at Cankarjev dom’s Small Gallery.
The group exhibition featuring works by contemporary Slovenian photographers Jošt Dolinšek, Sara Rman, Tilyen Mucik, Blaž Rojs, Anja Seničar and Andrej Lamut will be on display until 2 May 2022.
Read MoreZveza društev slovenskih likovnih umetnikov (ZDSLU) je v decembru 2021, znova objavila razpis za mlade umetnike. Projekt je namenjen mladim ustvarjalcem, njegov namen pa je opozoriti na umetnike, ki so na začetku ustvarjalne poti in imajo zato manj možnosti, da bi svoje delo predstavili širšim in ožjim javnostim.
Razstava je na ogled od 8. februarja do 19. marca 2022.
We are pleased to announce that Galerija Fotografija is participating in this year's edition of the festival Fotografia Zeropixel with a selection of Slovenian photographers: Uroš Abram, Boris Gaberščik, Andrej Lamut, Tilyen Mucik, Janez Pukšič, Blaž Rojs, Metka Vergnion
Read MoreOPENING: Sept. 9th from 6PM
EXTENDED ATLAS, curated by Sandra Vieira Jürgens.
The idea for the exhibition, according to the curator Sandra Vieira Jürgens, “results from the rescue of several narrative proposals from the PARALLEL photographic archives”.
I'm happy to be a part of another PARALLEL - European Photo Based Platform exhibition!
"A Forged and Delicate Future" curated by Eric Lawton is opening next Tuesday at Capa Központ in Budapest. It will feature new works from Gustavo Balbela, Elsa Gregersdotter, Ida Nissen, André Viking Andersen and myself.
Come see it if you're in Budapest!
Read MoreMnemosis exhibition is opening at sv. Jerolim Gallery (Stari grad, Croatia), on Thursday, July 1st.
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