Mnemosis @ Ulična galerija street gallery during the pandemic
A few selected images from Mnemosis are currently on display at Ulična galerija street gallery on Trubarjava ulica in Ljubljana. Read more about this initiative below!
Ulična galerija street gallery during the pandemic
Group exhibition
May 8 - 25, 2020
7 artists, 7 different locations in Ljubljana
The pandemic severely limited the artists’ creative playground and completely prevented them from exhibiting their work. Due to extreme circumstances and lack of exhibition spaces, TAM-TAM and Zavarovalnica Triglav converted available advertising billboards on the streets of Ljubljana into substitute gallery walls. Ulična galerija now has 7 new exhibition spaces. Group exhibition Ulična galerija street gallery during the pandemic is curated by Fotogank, on view May 8 - 25, 2020.
Exhibition locations:
Fotogank: The Balcony Slideshow // Gosposvetska
Peter Fettich: Starting To Miss My Friends // Slovenska - Šestica
Ana Šuligoj: Indefinable // Celovška - podhod Tivoli
Iztok Klančar: My Men // Komenskega RTV
Andrej Lamut: Mnemosis // Trubarjeva - Hrvatski trg
Nina Sotelšek: Swimming In Circles // Dunajska - podhod Gospodarsko razstavišče
Bojan Mijatović: Animals And Friends // Masarykova - Metelkova
You are kindly invited to visit the exhibitions. Please respect social distancing regulations during the Coronavirus pandemic!
This outdoor art project is an artist support initiative during the mandatory gallery closures.
Ulična galerija project initiator: TAM-TAM
Co-producer and curator: Fotogank
Sponsored by: Zavarovalnica Triglav