Enrolled in PARALLEL - European Photo Based Platform

Skupaj z UGM l Umetnostna galerija Maribor sodelujem v mednarodnem projektu PARALLEL - European Photo Based Platform, ki se bo prihodnji teden z razstavo del 25 mladih evropskih fotografov začel v Lizboni. Sam se bom v uvodnem delu predstavil s projektom Nokturno, v nadaljevanju pa bom pod mentorstvom izbranih tutorjev začel razvijati novo serijo fotografij, ki bo premierno predstavljena februarja v Kaunasu v Litvi.

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Andrej Lamut
Published my first photo book!

Almost four years after the initial idea and after countless hours of work, I am proud to announce that my first photobook Nokturno is published in an edition of 300 copies and available for purchase!

The price of the book is 33€, you can order it through andrej.lamut@gmail.com

A big thank you to everyone involved in the project and to all of you who will support my work by purchasing the book! 

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Andrej Lamut
Nagrada za najboljšega študenta podiplomskega študija v MO Ptuj

Miran Senčar, župan MO Ptuj, je danes v mestni hiši sprejel fotografa Andreja Lamuta, ki ga je Komisija za podeljevanje priznanj in nagrad najboljšima študentoma do- in podiplomskega študija MO Ptuj za študijsko leto 2015/16 razglasila za najboljšega študenta podiplomskega študija v MO Ptuj. Župan, člani komisije in drugi predstavniki MO Ptuj so mu čestitali za odličen prispevek na področju študija in umetnosti pa tudi za participacijo v družbi nasploh. Andrej Lamut je magistriral na Akademiji za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje Univerze v Ljubljani z magistrskim delom 'Performativni proces fotografije – Nokturno', za katero je prejel tudi Prešernovo nagrado.

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Andrej Lamut
Recipient of the prestigious Prešeren Award

I am the recipient of the prestigious Prešeren Award (the highest award given by Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Ljubljana) for outstanding execution of my masters project Performative Process of Photography - Nokturno. A big thank you to all my mentors and all the people who helped me achieve this, especially Mirjam, Marko and Sergej!

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Andrej Lamut
Opening: ESSL ART AWARD Nominee Night, Slovenia

ESSL ART AWARD Nominees’ Night
at the Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova

May 11, 2015, 7 p.m. - Official award ceremony and opening of the ESSL ART AWARD Nominees’ Exhibition
Free admission!

The ESSL ART AWARD is dedicated to the discovery and support of art students in Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia and Slovakia and Turkey. One main goal of the award is to offer a broad and multi-layered insight into the young art scene of Central and South-Eastern Europe. Since 2005 the award is conferred every two years.

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Andrej Lamut