Včeraj so na Blind Date - Art Book Fair Ljubljana 2018 podelili nagrado za najboljšo knjigo umetnika, izdano v zadnjih dveh letih. Vesel sem, da je bila ena od dveh nagrajenih knjig prav moj Nokturno! P.S.: Omejeno število izvodov je še vedno na voljo pri meni ali pri The Angry Bat :)
V petek ob 20h se pogovarjam, podpisujem in prodajam knjigo Nokturno. Vabljeni na Fotocono @ 34. Slovenski knjižni sejem.
Read MoreV novi številki revije Mladina preberite intervju s fotografom Andrej Lamut, v katerem omenja tudi svojo izkušnjo na projektu PARALLEL - European Photo Based Platform, kjer je kot slovenski predstavnik sodeloval v prven krogu aktivivnosti. Novembra se bo v okviru projekta predstavil na Parallel Review Lisboa.
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Read More28. novembra se bo v Lizboni odprla razstava v okviru projekta PARALLEL - European Photo Based Platform, na kateri se bodo predstavili umetniki iz prvega kroga aktivnosti. Med njimi je slovenski predstavnik Andrej Lamut.
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PARALLEL REVIEW LISBOA presents together the work created by emerging artists and curators during the 1st cycle of PARALLEL - European Photo Based Platform. The exhibitions will be accompanied by several other contemporary photography related activities.
Vabljeni v Kostanjevico na odprtje moje nove razstave Mnemosis, ta petek ob 18. uri v Galerija Božidar Jakac, enota Lamutov likovni salon.
Read MoreA part of my project Mnemosis is currently shown at Organ Vida - International Photography Festival!
I started this project 10 months ago when I joined the PARALLEL - European Photo Based Platform as one of 23 selected emerging European photographers.
After exhibiting some of the works at QUAD - Derby and now in Zagreb, it's time to focus on the solo show at Galerija Božidar Jakac, Kostanjevica na Krki, opening October 5th! It will be one of my biggest solo exhibitions so far and the most complete presentation of Mnemosis to date.
Thanks again to UGM l Umetnostna galerija Maribor and Parallel for this opportunity!
Read MoreThe final exhibition of the 1st cycle / the first exhibition of the 2nd cycle is opening tonight at Nikola Tesla Technical Museum (Hala V) as a part of Organ Vida - International Photography Festival!
Here to represent Slovenia is UGM l Umetnostna galerija Maribor with works by 2nd cycle artist Ana Zibelnik and myself.
Thank you PARALLEL - European Photo Based Platform for this extraordinary year!
Read MoreDear friends! I am happy to share the crowdfunding campaign for an awesome collaborative project Obsolete & Discontinued put together by Mike Crawford, including works from over 60 international photographers. I'm glad that I'm one of them and that my work will be a part of the exhibition in London and the photobook which is currently in production. You can support the project by pre-ordering the book or grabbing one of the other available perks!
Read MoreKonec avgusta se na pridružite na fotografski delavnici za odrasle z Andrejem Lamutom. Spoznavali bomo temeljne principe delovanja fotografskega aparata, zapisa podobe na fotografski papir in ročnega razvijanja fotografij v temnici. Vabljeni!
Read MoreA VR view of Mnemosis exhibited at QUAD - Derby in April as part of the PARALLEL - European Photo Based Platform exhibition Being/Seeing...for everyone who couldn't see it in person.
Check it out!
Read MoreVčeraj smo na fotografski delavnici v UGM l Umetnostna galerija Mariborspoznavali tehniko cianotipije. Hvala vsem sodelujočim za udeležbo in čestitke za super izdelke! Hvala tudi UGM za organizacijo in Mirjam za pomoč pri pripravi in izvedbi delavnice.
Dogodek je del spremljevalnega programa PARALLEL - European Photo Based Platform.
Read MoreNokturno has been shortlisted as one of 29 books in the run for the title of The Best Photography Book of the Year in the international category at PHotoEspaña! All the shortlisted books will be exhibited at Biblioteca Nacional de España in Madrid between June 6th and September 23rd.
Read MoreRe:Move je pregled avtorjevega ustvarjanja na odru plesne skupine EnKnapGroup, s katero kot fotograf sodeluje od leta 2012. Fotografije, ki nastajajo ob predstavah so zanj več kot le dokument zaporedja gibov. Fotografija, kot statičen medij, v resnici niti ne more verodostojno in v celoti zajeti kompleksnosti gibanja, ki gradi koreografijo. Njena moč je drugje; s tem, ko iz giba odstrani gibanje, mu odvzame tudi čas, podari pa mu trajnost. Gib postane neskončen, plesalci na fotografijah pa v njem večno ujeti.
Read MoreJoin us for the launch of PARALLEL EXHIBITION: BEING / SEEING at Riverlights, Morledge in Derby.
Being / Seeing is an exhibition showcasing the work of a number of emerging artists participating in PARALLEL, a European Platform that brings together creative organisations committed to promoting cross-cultural exchanges and mentorships in order to set new standards in contemporary photography.
The exhibition is a part of FORMAT International Photography Festival off year programme. For full listings of events including portfolio reviews, talks and more visit: www.formatfestival.com
De Liceiras 18 welcomes you back to their monthly Open Studios!
'EMERGENCY EXIT' explores the idea of the creative process as an 'emergency exit' from everyday life.
Seven artists have been in their very own 'emergency exits' at De Liceiras 18 as part of their month-long residency.
Please come and join us for an exciting night of art, music, food, drinks, and celebration!
After a successful presentation at PARALLEL - European Photo Based Platform in Kaunas Gallery I am happy to announce my new project Mnemosis. It will be premiered in April at QUAD - Derby in UK, along with the works of other amazing young european artists. Thanks to UGM l Umetnostna galerija Maribor for inviting me to participate in this exciting international platform!
Read MoreWe invite you to the open studio of current residents:
Andrej Lamut
Emma Dorothy Conley
Jean Pierre Cueto
Mirjam Čančer
Sjoerd Tegelaers
Free entry - Travessa de Liceiras 18, Porto
Ring the doorbell
Food and wine for donations